Maurice Camps


RELEASE: May 17, 2017
PLATFORM: Gear VR, Oculus Go
FUNCTION: Lead Artist

Term1nal was originally a top-down puzzle game for developed for mobile that never got released. When the studio made the switch to become a VR only studio, it was picked up again. Since top-down was not a very interesting approach for VR we created some prototypes. We had already seen with Landfall that a third-person perspective could work very well in VR, so eventually we opted for that. The Art style needed to reflect the corporate and sad vibe of the story, but we also wanted to bring some color into the levels. We opted for a mix of a lot of greys and one specific color per theme as you can see in the screenshots. 

TEAM SIZE: ~50 total, 10 Artists
ENGINE: Unreal 4

STORE LINK: Oculus Store

  • Accountable for all direction & direct communication with the art team
  • Art direction for the visual style of the environment
  • Prioritization, planning, and distribution of tasks for all artists
  • Hands-on work on some rooms and corridors
  • Stride logo
  • I generally enjoy playing puzzle games, so it was nice to work on one.
  • The main challenge for art was the limited budgets for materials, triangles, you name it. As visible in the screenshots and video, the shells of the environment are extremely simple and even the props are very limited.
  • We went for the clean and sober art style, mainly because of two things: the story of an evil corporation and hardware limitations. We used a lot of simple grey materials, but felt there was some color needed as well. We opted to use distinct primary colors for each theme in the building. The greys and the primary colors had the advantage that it made our lighting stand out. We tried to use this to our advantage as much as possible.